Meet Idalia Espinoza, Content Specialist
Idalia has been with ICUC now for 6 years. She’s been a rockstar from Day 1 and we’re so thankful to call her an ICUC’r. Want to read a little bit more about Idalia’s story? Check it out here!
Our blog shines light on community management and all things social.
Idalia has been with ICUC now for 6 years. She’s been a rockstar from Day 1 and we’re so thankful to call her an ICUC’r. Want to read a little bit more about Idalia’s story? Check it out here!
Everyone, everywhere preaches “best practices” in marketing and brand promotion. We’re here to cut through that noise with 3 quick wins for you to quickly grow your digital community.
Livia is a fan favorite here at ICUC. When our tech crashes, she’s the one we turn to to help us get ourselves back in working order! We’re excited to tell you a little bit more of her story and thankful we get to call Livia an ICUC’r.
What happens when you combine Lipton Iced Tea with National Iced Tea Day? A total Twitter takeover. Read a little bit more about how ICUC helped Lipton trend #1 on Twitter throughout #NationalIcedTeaDay.
For ICUC’s Social Strategist Charissa Tosio, creating a workspace that is warm, collaborative, and patient is her #1 priority. In fact, embodying these qualities is how she defines success, and it’s what drew her to ICUC’s team.
ICUC’s Co-President and Chief Growth Officer, Nicole Van Zanten knows how to meet a goal. Whether she’s innovating revenue machines or developing client acquisition strategies, we know where she’s looking: ahead.
We had the pleasure of chatting with gamer, remote worker, shy-but-not-so-shy Senior Content Specialist Ricardo. As it turns out, there is a viral trend running through ICUC: our employees love being around each other, even if it’s all virtual, and Ricardo’s opinion is no different.
If we can be sure about anything from the year 2020, it is that TikTok rose in the ranks. With 680 million active users worldwide, and video and music content to attract endless scrolls and an entirely new user generation, brands are now seeing the serious benefits of upping their community engagement in this rapidly growing social sphere.
Meet Sarah Benton With 9 years under her belt at ICUC, Sarah’s secret sauce is her passion for client services and ICUC’s digital customer care
Are you loyal to Facebook’s Business Manager? We certainly are. You know the saying “The only thing in life that is certain is change?” If Facebook didn’t already have a motto, this could be it! We witnessed another big change on the platform in September of 2020, when the 17-year old company introduced Facebook Business Suite to its rolodex of services. The announcement took place while most of the world stayed indoors and connected online at an explosive rate, so we were certainly paying attention.
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