More businesses are turning to TikTok advertising to grow their customer base, and for good reason. TikTok boasts some impressive ad statistics, often outperforming platforms like Facebook and Instagram. In this article, we’ll explore some of the top TikTok benchmarks to track in 2024.

Why Keep Track of TikTok Benchmarks?

As with any other advertising platform, results on TikTok vary based on several factors, like your industry, audience demographics, and more. Keeping track of TikTok benchmarks will let you know if your content is performing at, above, or below industry standards, allowing you to adjust your marketing strategy as needed.

TikTok General Benchmarks for 2024

Before delving into the advertising statistics, it’s a good idea to get familiar with some of TikTok’s general benchmarks. Not only can these figures serve as a source of encouragement for businesses just starting on the platform, they can also help inform your overall TikTok marketing strategy. These general benchmarks give you an idea of what works to effectively engage TikTok’s audience.

Sparking curiosity brings community

Nearly half (44%) of all TikTok users visit the platform looking for something specific, and end up discovering something completely unexpected. Visitors are also 1.8x more likely to agree that TikTok introduces them to things they were not even aware they liked.

These figures highlight an interesting characteristic of the overall TikTok community. Though users tend to visit the platform for specific research, they are open and very willing to explore new topics presented to them. This gives businesses the freedom to express their creativity and highlight their unique brand attributes to spark curiosity and grow their audience.

Focus on narrative

TikTok users favor intriguing narrative structures that arouse their curiosity, leading them to explore a topic further to learn more. Ads with this type of narrative structure keep users watching 1.4x longer. This indicates that users want content that’s less predictable and more unique. This could include starting videos with interesting questions, little-known facts, or unique graphics to grab viewers’ attention.

But intrigue is not the only thing that captures this audience’s attention. 72% of TikTok users believe that it’s easier for strangers to connect and form bonds over shared life experiences on the platform. They are also 1.3x more likely to think that TikTok allows users to collaborate with others when creating content. 

These figures indicate that a desire for community is on the minds of the majority of TikTok users. As a brand looking to grow your audience, consider incorporating user-generated content into your marketing strategy, and encourage followers to engage in conversations with your brand. That being said, opening the lines of communication in this way requires careful TikTok community management.

Establish brand trust

Consumers are looking to do business with brands they can trust. They are looking for businesses that share their values and that lead to positive societal changes. It’s no longer enough for businesses to focus on making a single sale, but instead to highlight their values to cultivate brand loyalty.

41% of users trust a brand more just by seeing an ad from the business on TikTok; 31% are more likely to be loyal to the brand, and 33% are more likely to say the brand is a good fit for who they are as a person. These stats are simply from seeing an ad from the brand on the platform.

These figures indicate that businesses that make an appearance on TikTok are already well on their way to building a loyal following. This may be because of the strong focus on authenticity and transparency across the platform, and businesses that show up are likely expected to uphold those same values.

Location isn’t a limitation

On TikTok, embracing and sharing one’s culture is encouraged. Users visit the platform to do research, engage with others, and learn exciting new things. Among users, 74% believe that TikTok connects them with people from many different cultures around the world, and 67% believe that they have learned a lot about different cultures on the social media site.

From a business standpoint, brands can feel free to express their unique points of view on various topics, knowing that TikTok users are generally more open-minded and are willing to explore new perspectives.

TikTok Ads Benchmarks for 2024

Before starting your TikTok advertising campaign, it’s a good idea to get to know the general performance standards on the platform. This will help you to set campaign goals and KPIs. Below are some key TikTok benchmarks to track in 2024.

Engagement rate benchmarks

TikTok ads have an average engagement rate of 5-16%, completely outperforming Facebook (0.09%) and Instagram (1.22%). Tracking the engagement rate on your ads can help you determine how well viewers are receiving your content, and highlight areas where changes can be made for future content. Responding to comments, encouraging viewers to share content, and publishing follow-up content are some ways to boost your engagement rate.

Click-through rate benchmarks

TikTok ads attract a 0.84% click-through rate, also higher than Facebook (0.72%) and Instagram (0.59%). As mentioned earlier, TikTok users are very willing to explore unique topics in order to learn new things. In order to boost click-through rate, consider focusing on ad content that sparks curiosity to encourage viewers to keep watching and eventually click through for more details.

Cost per click benchmarks

TikTok has an average cost per click (CPC) of $1, which is lower than both Facebook ($1.72) and Instagram ($3.56). This is an opportunity if you’re looking to stretch your advertising dollars. Consider focusing on boosting your click-through rate on TikTok to take advantage of their low CPC and potentially increase your conversion rate.

Cost-per-thousand impressions

This is also called Cost per mille or CPM, and is the amount you spend for every 1000 impressions an ad gets. The average CPM on TikTok is $10, slightly higher than Facebook ($7.19) and Instagram ($7.91). Tracking impressions is important, as it will let you know if your ad is getting in front of a wide audience. To get the best results from your CPM dollars, ensure your ads are properly targeted to your ideal customers. This way, you’re paying for impressions from users who are more likely to show an interest in your content.

Conversion rate benchmarks 

TikTok has an average conversion rate of 0.46%. Ultimately, the goal of your ad campaigns is to convert viewers to customers. Therefore it’s important to take the time to optimize your campaigns to increase your conversion rate. This requires lots of testing, proper targeting, and even some amount of trial and error to get it just right.

Engage With Your TikTok Community This 2024

As one of the fastest-growing social media platforms, TikTok boasts some impressive advertising statistics when compared to other sites. This is largely due to the curious and open-minded nature of the users who frequent the site. These characteristics also allow brands to get creative and be authentic to gain loyal followers on TikTok.

Keeping track of the TikTok benchmarks can help you post videos that go a long way in boosting engagement with your audience.

Ready to get started building your TikTok marketing strategy? Book a meeting with us.

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