Gaming & Streaming

Outsourcing player support. No nOObs here.

With passionate players seeking real-life connection, you need expert-level gaming moderators to keep communities safe, vibrant, and in line with evolving platform standards. At the end of the day, gamers know gamers. Recruiting the right people for the job is the ICUC difference and why gaming companies choose us to engage on their behalf.

ICUC’s global moderation and management teams fill in the gaps that your team wimple doesn’t have the capacity to fill, keeping hackers, cheaters, and smurfs on the outside, and your community growing, thriving, and safe on the inside. We’re you’re “always-on” player, so you don’t have to be.

young couple having fun with gaming in vr

Ensure a safe environment everyone can enjoy

At ICUC, gaming moderation ensures and maintains integrity by consistently upholding the security and protection of all players. Our “always-on” 24/7 team keeps the smurfs at bay and allows optimal user experience.

Engage in genuinely fun conversations that resonate

For many gamers, real-life, professional and personal friendships form. Moderators and community managers can be the key to driving and engaging new relationships amongst a community of players. You want experts who know and can optimize and generate authentic conversations.

Accelerate community growth and understanding

The best part of gaming is new innovation. With ICUC, our team analyzes and helps your brand understand community conversations to drive what loyal fans truly care about and are seeking.


Without ICUC
Gaming & Streaming FAQ

ICUC can moderate on all digital platforms and gaming channels including Twitch and Discord. 

ICUC’s team can help remove offensive or malicious content, filter out experienced players who disguise themselves, flag and block spammers 

Our team of expert gamers can help with FAQs, encourage a positive atmosphere, respond to user-generated content (UGC), and much more. 

Our pricing model is based on several variables: 

  1. What volume of content do you need ICUC to manage? 
  2. What kind of response time (SLA) are you looking for? 
  3. What channels does ICUC need to manage? 
  4. Are responses scripted or unique based on situations? 
  5. Do you need publishing/scheduling services? 
  6. What are your goals?

As you can see, it takes a conversation to get through the questions above – fill out the form on this page and we can get started. 

Connect with our team using the form below.