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Case Studies

How Safelite Autoglass Cut Staffing Costs by 43%

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With more than 7,900 MobileGlassShops™ and stores in all 50 states, Safelite is the nation’s largest provider of vehicle glass repair, replacement, and recalibration services.

As Safelite’s investment in social media grew, so too did the volume of their community interactions across the digital sphere.

One of Safelite’s most pressing challenges was thus finding a trusted social media agency partner that could not only scale with the company but provide digital customer care completely in sync with Safelite’s voice and People Powered, Customer Driven culture.

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What drew us to ICUC was a number of things — notably the quick SLAs they offer. We are very responsive to our customers and want to ensure we have a partner that is equally as responsive. ICUC’s business model and structure provide extensive support for that feature.


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